2025-03-19 Release Notes


πŸŽ‰ Everyone involved is giddy with anticipation as the following groups prepare to go live next week:


πŸ”„ Effective 2025-03-20 for demo sites, then 2025-03-28 for live sites. πŸ”„

πŸͺ„ API mavens should review the always informative, interesting, and ever changing API Changelog.

πŸ™ˆ LS-80702: If a sneaky user gets to the Member Case Information page by manually entering a URL, should they see anything if they don't have permission to view the lead case and all of the member cases? No, they should not. And will now see a page that only displays "Current user does not have permission to view this case".

πŸ“„ LS-120160: The Add Document and Document List blocks are now available on User module forms and profiles. Most relevant/helpful for sites using the Registrants module, but you may find other uses.

⏱️ LS-122381: Creating a custom field of type timestamp will now create a field with that type. Not a text type field that masquerades as a timestamp.

πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ”§ LS-123533: If you add new case contact records via a shiny dynamic contact create process, the Case Contact Type field that appears on the static form will be available for your dynamic form of wonder.

πŸ“£ LS-124571: A report based on the top level Survey Questions table is great, but missing a helpful piece of information, viz., the name of the Survey the surveyed person responded to. You'll find that via Survey Questions > Survey Batch > Survey > Survey Name.

⭐ ☸️ LS-124847: The Case Status History subtable in reports is a font of information. But wouldn't it be grand if you could pull the Body of the note (if any) entered for each row? And wouldn't it be peachy if the Case Status value was a proper lookup-style filter? Yes times two, so we are making both so.

πŸ“œ LS-125274: People are enjoying the new Record Created and Record Updated fields so much, we're adding them to some additional tables: Calendar Events, Services/Phases, and Outreach.

🚫 βš“ LS-125638: We're removing the Add Anchor icon from the TipTap toolbar (the thing you see when entering most notes if you have the Rich Text Editor enabled).

⚜️ LS-126888: If you edit an existing Crosstab on a report, it might lose the Source field previously selected, and then won't save any changes unless you re-select the Source field. Until this fix lands, you can Cancel (the crosstab is functional) or re-select the Source if you have other changes to make.

πŸ‘©πŸ½β€βš–οΈ LS-126900: If you set a Question in a Gavel template to have a Source of Literal Value, and you put something in the Value field, should that save, or should the Value get thrown away and you get a warning that a value is required? Surely you will agree with our choice as we start saving the Value you so carefully and lovingly entered.

πŸ“† LS-126905: Adding the static "Add New Outreach Event" link to the Actions menu of your outreach profile works. But also adds a duplicative "New Event" link. This ticket dedupes things.

πŸ›ž LS-126980: Saddened by the inability to see the Service Groups page in Referral Hub? Joy awaits once this fix lands.

Anniversary Celebration


What They Do: Seek equitable justice by providing access to legal advice, representation, and education to those in our community who, due to financial vulnerability, disability, discrimination, or abuse, require protection and advancement of their civil legal rights.

Live with LegalServer: March 2020

Weather: 22/10C (72/50F) Partly cloudy.

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