2025-03-26 Release Notes


📣 Don't forget to sign up for the LegalServer Spring Training, which previous attendees have described as "so informative", "amazingly useful", and "definitely valuable".

🎉 The message boards are atwitter as the following groups prepare to go live next week:


🔄 Effective 2025-03-27 for demo sites, then 2025-04-04 for live sites. 🔄

🪄 API mavens should review the always informative, interesting, and ever changing API Changelog.

📆 LS-121906: Want to show online applicants appointment slots based on the title of the slots containing text you specify? Surely you will be intrigued (possibly excited) by the Online Intake Appointment block's new "Restrict to Appointment Slots Matching the Intake Title" option.

👀 LS-122329: (Accessibility) Submit (Configurable) blocks on online intake and external forms can use a CSS Class called "exit_button" to give the button it displays a "#d4d4d4" background color.

👀 LS-122330: (Accessibility) Online intake and external forms will now display warnings (like missing required field warnings) and errors in a different shade of red (#aa2e26) for better contrast.

🌊 LS-123766: The Flowblock "All Household Members" field will not clutter the display with phone numbers or phone notes.

📝 LS-124416: Improved the wording of the Citizenship Documentation test in the CSR v2 table when a case fails that test.

🌊 LS-125193: The Flowblock "All Assignment Names" field will now list all people currently assigned to the case, including listing the same person more than once if they have more than one assignment.

🙈 LS-126011: Matters created from an electronic case transfer contain a helpful "Data transfer summary" case note. That note will now only include the data you specify if your site is using the Limited Case Intake Data option.

📡 LS-126077: The Remote Case Client Profile block gets a new "Use Existing Default Fields" checkbox. If you uncheck that box (which is checked by default), you get a "JQ Query" box wherein you can specify which of the available fields you want to display and the order to show them.

❤️ LS-1236882: The user preference "Default Reports lists to Favorites list" will now do what you expect on all the report lists. Set to "Yes", every report list will have a default filter showing only reports you have marked as a favorite. Like other default filters, you can temporarily remove the filter to see the full list.

📧 LS-126790: The User Event Log (which surely adorns your shiny dynamic user profile) will now include helpful entries indicating when a user had an MFA email sent to them, if we can tell whether their email provider received it, and when they used the code.

📧 LS-126909: Forms that have the Email PDF Of Profile block on branch logic subforms now save more quickly if the subforms containing the block are not shown.

🎁 LS-126993: Re-opening a matter rejected during intake should take you back into said intake, and not to an open case. Some extra shiny Guided Navigation dialogues in an intake can unintentionally bypass the expectation. Not after this fix lands they won't.

📧 LS-127004: Emailing a note on an Activity record is not paying attention to whether a site has implemented "No Spoofing" to prevent emails being rejected or tagged as spam. Attention shall be paid.

🔃 LS-127005: After an online applicant finishes the intake and lands on the "success" page, should refreshing that page produce another referral? Well no, it shouldn't. So we'll stop that from happening.

📚 LS-127025: Knowledge Resources of the type Video now support embedding videos from Vimeo as well as Youtube.

⚡ LS-127055: If you configure the Enhanced Charges block to not show case credit information, it won't.

🗣️ LS-127166: The multi-select system Languages field is fine, unless you select one or more languages. Selecting things is important, so we're going to support that.

Anniversary Celebration


What They Do: Social Security advocacy for people with disabilities who are homeless or low-income.

Live with LegalServer: March 2009

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