Pathfinder - Actions

This content is geared to agencies onboarding with LegalServer. While most of this content is timeless, relevant, and all around useful, not all of it will be applicable if you are currently live with LegalServer.

Once an intake is complete, there are several ways to continue to add and edit information on a case. Your agency may use one or more of the following tools:

  • Auxiliary forms can be used to both collect and display program-specific information.
  • Activities can be used to collect structured data using a defined set of fields.
  • Case notes allow the user to tell a narrative on the case, but have limited structure for reporting.
  • Litigations can be used to track court appearances throughout a case.
  • Services can be used to capture a variety of details for events that need more structure than case notes. Services needs to be configured, if you are interested in this feature, please email your onboarding contact and/or support to discuss this further.

Auxiliary Processes

Auxiliary processes are used to record additional information on a record. Typically, this is a case, but other types of records- like outreaches- can also have auxiliary forms. Most of the options in the Actions menu are auxiliary processes. Your team can create auxiliary processes to capture program/unit specific information, information that is specific to one demographic, or other information you may need to record on a case after the case has been opened.

Where to Start

  • Decide internally if your team will use auxiliary processes.
  • Identify the forms you need or want and map out the questions and questions types you want asked/displayed.
  • Make the necessary customizations or communicate customizations to your LegalServer Onboarding Staff.


The Activities features allow organizations to record structured information on a case including the user entering the information, the activity and item, venue and note. You can assign Items to Activities, so that only certain items appear when an activity is selected. Users can add a timeslip and/or a document to a case from the Add Activity auxiliary process. Please note that Immigration config might also implicate Activity Manager configuration.

Where to Start

  • Determine if you will use activities on your site
  • Enter one or more activity- Determine what values you will use in each lookup, if any additional information needs to be collected and what can be eliminated.
  • Confirm that imported activities data appears as expected on your site.
  • Make the necessary customizations or communicate customizations to your LegalServer Onboarding Staff.


The timekeeping module allows users to add timeslips onto a case, outreach, or record support/activity time. You can customize the timeslip, or create different timeslips for different types of time (for example, pro bono time vs staff case time). Each timeslip allows you to record the caseworker, date of service, funding code, activity type and code, time spent and note among other data points. You can create custom fields to collect specific information that isn't collected by default, you can also add branch logic and change the layout of the timeslip. Timekeeping is heavily impacted by Advanced Grants Management and the Payroll Leave Modules, which are additional modules, and we will discuss how to set these up as part of the on-boarding process.

Where to Start

  • Determine if you will use this timekeeping on your site.
  • Enter one or more timeslips to review the form. If using timeslips, you will want to create a record for each type of timeslip. Determine what values you will use in each lookup, if any additional information needs to be collected, and what can be eliminated.
  • Fill out the sample case time structure chart to match your organization needs.
  • Confirm that imported timekeeping data appears as expected on your site.
  • Make the necessary customizations or communicate customizations to your LegalServer Onboarding Specialist.

Case Notes

Case notes describe several different types of notes in LegalServer, including intake notes, calendar notes, notes on the case as well as other types of notes that you can create. There is no real "configuration" of case notes, but you can add a document and a timeslip when using the "Add a Case Note" process.

Where to Start

  • Enter one or more case notes to review the form. Decide if there are additional types of notes needed on your site.
  • Make the necessary customizations or communicate customizations to your LegalServer Onboarding Staff.

Litigations Module

LegalServer allows one or more litigation records to be recorded for a case. You can collect information such as caption, docket number, and judge for each record, whether the client is a plaintiff or defendant, and so on. You can create custom fields to collect specific information that isn't collected by default, you can also add branch logic and change the layout of the litigation module.

Where to Start

  • Decide if you will use the litigations module on your site.
  • Enter one or more litigations to review the form. Determine what values you will use in each lookup, if any additional information needs to be collected, and what can be eliminated.
  • Enter one judge into contacts and add them to the litigation.
  • Enter one court into organizations and add them to the litigation
  • Confirm that imported litigations data appears as expected on your site.
  • Make the necessary customizations or communicate customizations to your LegalServer Onboarding Specialist.
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