Cases & Matters
The lifecycle of a case
- Waivers (Income and Asset Eligibility)
- Trust and Expense Transactions
- Matter Rejection and Referral Reporting Code
- Recording How an Applicant Was Referred to Your Organization
- Discovery
- Domestic Violence Information
- Case Exceptions
- Can I Download, Move, or Export All Documents on a Case?
- Collecting SMS Consent in a custom external form
- Search by Email Address
- Case is on My Home Page Twice
- Poverty Scale Unknown, Could Not Get Poverty Scale
- Senior Citizen Information
- Where can I add or change Courts?
- Where can I add or change Judges?
- Bulk Litigation Edit Block
- How Far Back Does Recently Accessed Go?
- Selecting County Values
- Transfer a Case's Calendar Events, Tasks, and Dealines from One User to Another